For over 60 years the founders of the Saltarelli & Migiani Group have dealt with the production, processing and sale of fodder. The gentle hills of the northern Marches are an ideal basin for the cultivation of fodder alternating with cereals.
Small plots of land, awareness of the importance of protecting the territory, and the beauty of the rural villages where life is spent in harmony with nature are the true value of this agricultural product. Only mechanization has transformed human work into technological tools, without affecting the passion for a life dedicated to the country.

Giuseppe Saltarelli and Pasquale Migiani had the intuition and the need in the post-war period to develop the production of fodder , transporting what abounded in their area to the northern plains, where rearing was practiced.
Over time, their children and grandchildren followed in their footsteps, and their agro-industrial complex now includes extensive alfalfa-grown lands, large buildings and complex machinery to offer national and foreign breeders a product recognized as irreplaceable for feeding herbivores.
The Saltarelli & Migiani Group can rely on a few thousands of directly grown hectares, where most of the demand is produced with own means and personnel, a few hectares of covered area and 3 factories where the product to be sold is processed and packaged in bales and pellets of organic fodder .
The complex, based in the area around Pesaro and managed by the second generation family members, is today the first producer in Italy and the first exporter through a subsidiary. Located in a barycentric position, it can store the product matured in the surrounding area to the point that we could define it zero-km and subject to continuous control in all cultivation operations, from sowing to harvesting.
Credits TITANKA! Spa