Saltarelli & Migiani group companies are mainly farms managing large areas dedicated to the cultivation of alfalfa. The territory of origin of the processed fodder is on the hills of Pesaro, Ancona and Rimini provinces.
In order to meet supply requirements, farms are entrusted with the management of over 12,000 hectares.
Teams of farmers and third party operators alternate during the harvest season to optimize techniques, depending on the morphological and climatic variables, in order to produce top-quality organic fodder. 

The farms that help us in production are:
  • Società Agricola Saltarelli Giuseppe & Migiani Pasquale S.S.
  • Società Agricola Millennium S.S.
  • Società Agricola Sant'Andrea S.S.
  • Società Agricola Sama di Saltarelli Mauro
  • Società Agricola di Saltarelli Marcello
  • Società Agricola Agrimed di Migiani Tiziano
  • Società Agricola San Lorenzo S.S.
  • Società Agricola Il Giardino S.S.
  • Società Agricola Bramata S.S.
  • Società Agricola OPPI S.S.
  • Società Agricola Il Biologico del Persico S.S.
Montefeltro Foraggi s.r.l. deals with agro-industrial activities supplementing the processing stages (storage, packaging and marketing) and the production of electricity, thanks to 3 MW photovoltaic power plants. Instead, methane gas is used for the production of thermal energy, according to an eco-friendly policy.
The close relationship with a worldwide operating trading company completes the supply chain and allows a product that is so far mainly used locally to reach any place on the planet through the most modern transport techniques.
Finally, the farm Biomax deals with the production of biogas, also important to increase the overall environmental sustainability, thanks to the production of energy from renewable sources obtained from vegetable products.
Credits TITANKA! Spa