Alfalfa is a nitrogen fixing plant, excellent for agricultural rotation. Our organic fodder has numerous advantages, including the fact that it needs a single processing phase, every 4 or 5 years, thus avoiding soil leaching thanks to its deep roots.
The production of alfalfa does not require irrigation, fertilization or the use of pesticides, if not in small quantities: it favors biodiversity and landscape greening during spring and summer, thus sanitizing aquifers.
Alfalfa is environmentally-friendly, since it also avoids the use of nitrates and favors the fight against climate change, thanks to the multiplicity of its annual crops, protecting resident and migratory birdlife and rural landscapes.

Alfalfa is also cattle-friendly, as it favors the preparation of homogeneous diets directly by the breeder, offering the possibility to trace its origin and thus protect the health of livestock.
The organic fodder sold limits normal nutritional harvesting losses, reduces bacterial and fungal fermentation, and eliminates foreign matter, thus enhancing palatability, tolerability and digestibility.
It also offers high quality of bypass proteins and an excellent fiber, guaranteeing organoleptic content and the application of the HACCP regulation.
Credits TITANKA! Spa